Saturday, September 26, 2020

प्रबुद्ध जन का शिक्षा मे योगदान


                                                                     प्रबुद्ध जन का शिक्षा मे योगदान

समाज का स्वरूप शिक्षा का प्रारूप निश्चित करता है और प्राप्त शिक्षा या शिक्षण व्यवस्था से समाज व राष्ट्र का स्वरूप क्या होगा यह निश्चित होता है|  शिक्षा परिवर्तन का साधन है | भारत कि आज कि शिक्षा व्यवस्था में बहुत से दोष है, परंतु मैं  इसके केवल एक बिंदु पर ही विस्तार से विश्लेषण करुगां |हमारी  शिक्षा व्यवस्था ने देश में दो वर्ग बना दिये है | एक प्रबुद्ध और दुसरा सामान्य या कमजोर वर्ग | दुर्भाग्य यह भी है कि सामान्यता प्रबुद्ध जन का सामान्य से या उनकी परिस्थिति से कोई जुडाव नहीं रहा है| इस परिस्थिति ने समाज व राष्ट्र को कमजोर किया है क्योंकि, अंततः दोनों केवल समाज व राष्ट्र के घटक भर है, और एक कि कमजोरी पूरे समाज या राष्ट्र को कमजोर बना रही है| इस परिस्थिति को प्रबुद्ध जन  ही अपने व्यवहार से बदल सकते है. क्योंकि

यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः। स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते।।3.21।। अर्थात,

श्रेष्ठ मनुष्य जो-जो आचरण करता है, दूसरे मनुष्य वैसा-वैसा ही आचरण करते हैं।

वह जो कुछ प्रमाण  देता हैदूसरे मनुष्य उसी के अनुसार आचरण करते हैं। ।।3.21।।

That pronouncement was made in “Geeta” thousands of years ago. In modern times as recently as five years back Allahabad High Court had given a ruling on similar lines that was historic but never heard of it being implemented or followed up. The ruling had come while disposing a petition, which drew attention to poor conditions of govt schools in terms of infrastructure and lack of teachers in UP and asked courts direction to improve the same. The ruling was, all wards (son and daughters) of Government Servants, Judges and Elected Members must study only in government schools. Those who do not obey this order will have to deposit money with the govt. equivalent to fees paid in private school. Order was to be implemented by next session.  Court observed that previous directions have failed to improve the situation and felt that unless the wards of the authorities who are responsible for improvement go to these schools, situation will not improve.


Then I had agreed with diagnosis but begged to differ with solution provided. As under the present provision of liberty (fundamental right) available to every citizen under constitution, how, a state can direct an individual to send his wards to send to a particular school/ institute, just because he is govt servant or elected representative and so on. It was also discriminatory and violated equality before law. Another angel is, if this logic is applied, these people must compulsorily avail medical facility in govt Hospitals (Govt. Hospitals are also in poor condition and needs improvement). Same with public transport and many other services provided by state. This way we need to force these people to use wheat and rice of PDS only. Is it practical?


Unfortunately, India, in terms of services, has virtually been divided in 2 -3 parts. Affluent and people with influence have developed all the needed services (world class/ affordable) for themselves outside the government network. Slowly-slowly over the years, especially after liberalization of 1991, government services in any area be it in education, health, transport or any other area came to be identified as work and duty of welfare state directed towards poor  (Not towards all citizens). They were/ are provided below cost also, and so to reduce burden people who could afford were kept out. This has generated vicious circle. Govt services for poor and so of poor quality.      


Based on concept of Ruler and Ruled, seed of such problem was sown quite early after independence, when in every sector (in absence of private sector) and in neglect of need of poor govt. gave priority to Higher education (IIT etc), Best Health services (AIMS) and so on for Ruler class( for themselves) and overlooking primary education, primary health centre and so on for Ruled masses. Later on, under democratic setup when the same type of facilities extended to ruled masses, quality is missing. Result is every one to see, we are a nation having succeeded in sending Mangalyan in first attempt, but we are also a nation with highest number of hungry, illiterate and malnourished people in world and their rate of decrease is far less than in other nation.


Having discussed the problem and limitation of Government or Court directed reforms in education and its root cause, the mind set of division of Ruler and Ruled or use of word underprivileged for a group which by definition proves existence of another privileged group. We need to change it. And this is not a Problem of UP, nor restricted to education only. In case of Health also our weaknesses have been exposed by Covid19 pandemic. Once this is changed (division of citizens in two classes) and only through this, situation can improve and not by any HC directive.


So, burden of improvement befalls on elites of society. Can elites themselves do something positive for change in education system or to support education for weaker section? I feel elite can and should do something voluntarily as a duty towards fellow citizens and nation. The very least they can do is to work as opinion maker or lobbyist to end this system of two-way education system and support for unified public-school system where in all citizen’s wards get education. Further they should support the politicians and governments who genuinely believe in public education and are ready to increase budgetary provisions for it. Next move involves supporting government, community and NGO educational institutions through money and material help. They should provide support to bridge the infrastructure gaps observed there. Such trends are now visible in rural areas, wherein people have realised that supporting government school etc. is economical than sending wards to private school. Such support is very much required under Covid19, when schools are closed and online education is the norm and a section of schools and society is not having needed infrastructure. Support should come to augment institutional infrastructure as well as for purchase of laptop and or smartphone for needy students.


More importantly if possible, elites should take part in imparting education to students of weaker sections on their own. For this they may not leave their profession. One or two hours a day and more on weekends by them will work wonder for under privileged students. If someone is not able to do it permanently, should do it at least at the time of emergencies, like this of Covid19, when schools are closed. Elites should gather 5-6 children of their tower, colony or society, teach them whatever they like. It need not be school syllabus, it can be music, it can be personality development and so on. This way not only they will feel belonging to society, children too will be benefited academically and mentally. People of a tower, colony or society can form groups (members having different aptitude and skills) to guide and teach variety of subjects and skills.


Many of elite persons like us are playing second inning of life. Having well progressed in profession and having discharged all the duties towards family and closed one, now we feel emptiness in life or a life without purpose. Getting involved in education for underprivileged will definitely give direction to life, enhance our physical and mental health.  Keeping one’s mind busy and working can be a sure way to keep Alzheimer (memory loss) type disease away.

So do not feel we are doing a favour to children, the reverse is true.      


अपनी बात कि पुष्टि के लिये मै पुनः गीता की और लौट कर विषय का उपसंहार करता हुँ

यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धनः। तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसंगः समाचर।।3.9।। सहयज्ञाः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः।अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वमेष वोऽस्त्विष्टकामधुक्।।3.10।। देवान्भावयतानेन ते देवा भावयन्तु वः।परस्परं भावयन्तः श्रेयः परमवाप्स्यथ।।3.11।। इष्टान्भोगान्हि वो देवा दास्यन्ते यज्ञभाविताः। तैर्दत्तानप्रदायैभ्यो यो भुङ्क्ते स्तेन एव सः।।3.12।। एवं प्रवर्तितं चक्रं नानुवर्तयतीह यः। अघायुरिन्द्रियारामो मोघं पार्थ स जीवति।।3.16।।

अर्थात, यज्ञ (कर्तव्य पालन) के लिये किये जाने वाले कर्मों से अन्यत्र (अपने लिये किये जाने वाले) कर्मों में लगा हुआ यह मनुष्य-समुदाय कर्मों से बँधता है, इसलिये हे कुन्तीनन्दन ! तू आसक्ति-रहित होकर उस यज्ञ के लिये ही कर्तव्य-कर्म कर ।।3.9।।प्रजापति ब्रह्माजी ने सृष्टि के आदि काल में कर्तव्य-कर्मों के विधान सहित प्रजा-(मनुष्य आदि-) की रचना करके उनसे (प्रधान तया मनुष्यों से) कहा कि तुम लोग इस कर्तव्य के द्वारा सब की वृद्धि करो और वह कर्तव्य-कर्म-रूप यज्ञ तुम लोगों को कर्तव्य-पालन की आवश्यक सामग्री प्रदान करने वाला हो। अपने कर्तव्य-कर्म के द्वारा तुम लोग देवताओं को उन्नत करो और वे देवता लोग अपने कर्तव्य के द्वारा तुम लोगों को उन्नत करें। इस प्रकार एक-दूसरे को उन्नत करते हुए तुम लोग परम कल्याण को प्राप्त हो जाओगे। ।।3.10 -- 3.11।।यज्ञ से भावित (पुष्ट) हुए देवता भी तुम लोगों को (बिना माँगे ही) कर्तव्य-पालन की आवश्यक सामग्री देते रहेंगे। इस प्रकार उन देवताओं से प्राप्त हुई सामग्री को दूसरों की सेवा में लगाये बिना जो मनुष्य स्वयं ही उसका उपभोग करता है, वह चोर ही है। ।।3.12।। हे पार्थ! जो मनुष्य इस लोक में इस प्रकार परम्परा से प्रचलित सृष्टि चक्र के अनुसार नहीं चलता, वह इन्द्रियों के द्वारा भोगो में रमण करने वाला अघायु (पापमय जीवन बिताने वाला) मनुष्य संसार में व्यर्थ ही जीता है। ।।3.16।।

भावार्थ है, बिना किसी अपेक्षा के कर्तव्य कर्म करते रहे, कर्तव्य कर्म करने में सामग्री कि कभी कोई कमी नहीं होगी और परस्पर वृद्धि (Mutual Benefit) होगी. ईश्वर प्रदत्त इस सामग्री ( धन, बुद्धी आदि) को समाज सेवा में न लगाकर  जो केवल स्वयं उपभोग करता है वह चोर है और व्यर्थ ही जीता है ( उसका जीवन व्यर्थ है) |

At final stage when, through community efforts, elites are able to bridge the gap between two types of education system and institutions, they should “walk the talk” and send their own son-daughter, grandson-granddaughter to the school they have nurtured ( In fact based on own commitment, the same can be done at any stage) . Then only next generation will be united, they all be the citizen of a strong nation. Remember theory of Physics, the strength of a CHAIN is the strength of WEAKEST link, if they want to improve strength of chain (society), they must make weak link strong.