Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dehli to Srinagar via Patna.

After winning Loksabha and some assembly elections by BJP, its strategy seems to be failing. The way things have unfolded for BJP in Delhi, Patna and Srinagar give rise to doubt about Modi-Shah duo’s capacity to lead BJP and nation in a Statesman like spirit.
(If it is so, what was reason for its earlier victory – people’s delusion with coalition politics and weak congress leadership, which gave BJP advantage? And it is possible that when they are confronted with other more capable leaders and local / regional parties BJP’s weakness in strategy is exposed.)
Coming straight to Kashmir, now it seems BJP has repeated the mistake of delaying the decision. In Delhi it was delay in calling the election and in Kashmir it was about forming the government. ( so that its effect should not be felt on Delhi election.)
This begs the question – Is the BJP in agreement to what is happening in J&K for last 10 days but does not want to acknowledge it in public (and wanted to happen it after Delhi election). Modi has already said- what is stated in public and what is in the interest of nation or required to run the government is two different aspects. His U turn (for better) on ADHAR project is an example of this sort.
What has been stated by Mufti in his first press conference- giving thanks to separatist and Pakistan for peaceful election-  and then demand for mortal remains of Afzal Guru (by PDP MLAs) and release of Masarat Alam. All seem to be coherent policy of PDP, addressed to constituency of his party that is Kashmir valley (It is as simple and clear as AAP party’s announcement of subsidy on Electricity and Water- fulfilling the election promise). BJP’s strong reaction is addressed to its constituency without any seriousness about it.
And if alliance is to continue- I think it will/ should continue for national integration- we should be prepared for such more action on part of PDP. (Though BJP says it has got assurance from PDP of non-recurrence of such decision)
As the opposition to view of PDP’s action and terming it antinational is well documented and publicised in mainstream media, I do not wish to elaborate it.
What is to be understood/ realised that there can be a different, other than held by us, perception on Kashmir. Every argument has counter argument- argument is that PDP released the Alam, counter argument is, judiciary ordered for release and detention was illegal (Further his and others release has happened earlier also). What is coming out in public domain, leaves only charge on PDP of not re- arresting him.
We say release of Alam is betrayal of public who has participated whole heartily in election. Counter argument is PDP won the election in Kashmir valley and pro nationalist BJP got 2-3 % vote with 0 seats. (More voting was done to ensure BJP does not win elections. Congress has better record who won seats in all three parts of J&K.)
That leads to question who is/are Alam and others, separatist/ terrorist or political prisoners. This is the critical question.
Can it be said that because PDP has different perception it is anti-national. Or state government/ regional parties should not air/ influence foreign policy issues. But then same is being done in Tamil Nadu (Sri Lanka), West Bengal (Bengla Desh) and accepted by Centre.
Further, BJP says action of PDP is outside CMP and asks PDP to concentrate on development (this will solve problem of Kashmir), PDP says it is part of CMP and says there cannot be any development without peace.
Argument/counter argument will go on  and BJP has to decide, whether it wants to seize the historic opportunity to enter Valley and change mind set of Kashmiri people or snap the relationship, that will be advantageous to PDP (in Kashmir) and for BJP ( in rest of India) but valley problem will continue forever.
Even though public posture is giving signal in other direction I think and wish and has feeling Modi/ BJP is taking Vajpayee’s mission a step ahead (But do not have courage to say publicly and it is here Modi is different than Vajpayee and short in stature). Already spokes persons are defending the BJP-PDP alliance on the line of BJP-Akali Dal alliance (earlier many of Akalis were sympathetic to Khalistan movement and so on) and hope to, what has been achieved in Punjab, achieve in Kashmir. They already have converted one separatist- Soz to election fold and they should continue this mission and be courageous enough to say so.
If it is not so, after 1948 (taking it to UN), 1971 (Breaking Pakistan which gave rise to anti India feeling to new generation of Pakistan) it will be third time (not honouring /working with elected government) we will be mistake on Kashmir policy.
For last 68 years we have been saying that since Kashmiri people are participating in election, there is no need of Plebiscite on Kashmir as promised by us. Kashmiri separatist do not buy this argument, saying election and plebiscite are two different issues, and to begin with rest of India should have faith on peoples and peoples elected by them.( Can we dream of a day when we can have Scotland type referendum where in, people rejected call for independence from UK).

Can we accept this challenge.

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