Friday, March 6, 2015

Nirbhya-India's daughter.

It is once again same self-defending reaction by Government and Society.
“It is conspiracy to defame India”.  
As far as I remember the same arguments was echoed long back against Satyajt Ray’s film “Pather Panchali” who documented India’s poverty.   
I have not seen the documentary nor going into merit in arguments for and against the banning the documentary. But I understand it is one of the 7 or 9 documentary prepared or to be prepared internationally and not unique for India or for defamation of India. We have reacted in the same way when Obama, commented on religious intolerance in India, in a long speech in USA while assessing the world situation and making a remark about India at the end of speech.
Any way we must understand all are commenting /will comment from a point advantageous to them. NDTV who was to broadcast documentary is showing all reactions against ban, while Times Now (for reason unknown) is making all hue and cry why documentary was made at all. Who so ever is taking position for and against it may be taking for its own sake. Which position is correct cannot said.
Why we should feel or conclude, any observation not liked by us is against us.
Further, we should be able to distinguish what is against state (power) and what is against nation. In this respect the case of not allowing Greenpeace activist to go to England for briefing British Parliamentarians about plight of Advasis, due to activities of a British company, is still fresh in our mind and case is sub-judies.
What is more shameful -documentary or justice could not be delivered so far.
In this respect it is also a commentary on parliamentary democracy, who plays to gallery but does not show any intention of basic changes. Remember, Verma Commission after Nirbhay case or Jan Lokapal and so on. Situation is not unique to India Hitler commented in the same way in his autobiography about German Parilaiment.
I won’t comment much but only say it is time to introspect  our  gender biases and social priorities-WHY WE (MAN) ARE ABLE TO PURCHASE A MOBILE OF RS 15000-20000 BUT WHEN IT COMES TO CONSTRUCTION OF TOILET WE ARE SHORT OF MONEY.

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